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PTL! We Have Our Internet Back!

PTL! We Have Our Internet Back!

Black market Fuel…
We just purchased 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel for $10 per gallon! Fuel is very scarce here in Haiti. Some say there is no fuel in Haiti. No gas stations are open. The government is saying the fuel terminal has enough diesel to last Haiti for 15 days.

Jimmy Bar-B-Q, the head of the G 9 gang, has blocked the entrance of the fuel terminal and is not letting any fuel tankers come out for days now. Other times the government doesn’t have the money to pay for the fuel on the big tanker ship.

Haiti has been in a fuel crisis for months now. Please pray, we must go 100 percent here at Love A Child. We are on the edge of being totally dark which also means no water! Our 85 children, Jesus Healing Center, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center, plus 21 more buildings… which are all a blessing to the Haitians. Jesus has never failed us yet!!! Please pray for all of us and the precious people and children of Haiti.

Thank you for your prayers and support.
Bobby Burnette


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