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Queen for a Day

Queen for a Day

“God I know you love me, and I believe it will be better for me this time and they will be saving hot cookies for everyone.” In fact, she became aware of the Love A Child Birthing Center, which has been operating 24 hours a day, since she decided to follow the doctor at the center for the entire period of her pregnancy. Thanks to God, today she gave birth to her 6th child, who is a little girl that weighed 3.2 kg in the center. Despite all the suffering she took during her labor, it did not stop her from being happy. She was happy because her baby was born in a beautiful center and the services are free and have been well received. This was a poor woman, that had no idea in the world that she would ever be able to use the Love A Child Jesus Healing Center and fall into the hands of God.

The people from the mountain areas cannot be criticized for having many children. This is part of the suffering and the culture of Haiti. When a woman has a child or children and her husband leaves her, she must “find another man” who is willing to stay with her and help her find a living and feed her children. She will be expected to go to bed with him, thus getting pregnant again. When women from the mountains and far away places are not educated or have the chance to go to school or a higher level of education, they feel they are “trapped,” and have no way out. Now, it is just a means of survival to keep these children alive each day. There are no holidays to look forward to, or any family events out because every single day is the same… “exist” for today. Get enough food for “today.”

However, these mothers love their children and always do the best they can. The most wonderful thing is that these mothers, like Madamn Monjolie, will have their baby in a beautiful Birthing Center, and they will have the best of care, and afterward, a pretty recovery room and a nice meal, and new clothes for their baby, and can be “Queen for a Day.”


P.S. We are so proud of our own little Dumolia, who does a great job at the Birthing Center, on the “Sonograms!” She is still waiting for her Dominican Republic Visa so that she can go to Jamaica to an International Nursing College! Thank you for everything, our dear partners!

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