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Raphael Loseau… A Starving Artist

Raphael Loseau… A Starving Artist

Raphael is now 14 years old. He and his two sisters were brought to us by their aunt. They traveled all the way from Cap-Haitien to come here. His parents could not care for him, and so we took in Raphael and his two sisters, Bianca and Ada.

Raphael is very sweet and quiet. He has never been in trouble. He is a very respectful teenage boy, who loves soccer and basketball. He helps clean, mop, and work in the yard here at the Love A Child Children’s Home. Raphael makes “very good grades” in school.

The amazing thing about this young man is that he has a natural talent for music. We knew he learned “bass guitar” because he plays each night in our church service here at the Children’s Home, but when I went downstairs to see who was playing keyboard… Guess who? Raphael! I was amazed!!! These children have a great gift of music!!!

Raphael has a great talent as an artist, so I asked him what he wanted to do in the future. He replied that he wants to be “an artist.” I said, “Well, you are in Haiti where there are gangs on the street, and the ‘Papaya Gang’ is between the main route and us. There are no ‘tourists’ coming in because Haiti is a level four travel advisory. So, if you are going to be an artist, you will be a ‘starving artist!’” Reality just set in! Then he said, “I’m really going to think about this!” HA! Raphael is sweet, quiet, and everyone loves him!! Sherry

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