This is Roberto. He is nine-years-old. He was brought to our Mobile Medical Clinic in the village of Sapaterre, Haiti. This is the village where they make so many of the “dirt cookies” that you have heard about. Almost one month prior to our Mobile Medical Clinic, Roberto was playing with another child and each had a stick of “sugarcane.” Roberto got hit in the eye with the sugarcane and a piece got lodged in his eye and infection set in. By the time he was brought to our Mobile Medical Clinic, he was blind in that eye and in EXTREME PAIN. We sent him to the best eye doctor in Haiti, who said that his eye had to be removed immediately. We are sending him to Petit Freak Se Hospital and he will have surgery tomorrow, and hopefully will receive a prosthetic eye. The doctor told us that if we had not brought him in for surgery, the infection would have gone to his brain and killed him. Thank God for Mobile Medical Clinics. Sherry

Roberto Update – 12-15-16
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