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Rocks for the First House in Nippes

PTL! This is blind Grandma Mersilla praising the Lord for the construction beginning of her Gabion house! I will never forget the day when we were all there giving her a tent to live in because she lost her house in the earthquake. Oh, she praised the Lord… just like today when the rocks and sand began to come. Her little granddaughter saved her life! Hubert is delivering all the sand and rocks for all the houses. All of these houses are made from local materials and all local labor. This provides lots of jobs for everyone, especially now since the earthquake and all the trauma in Haiti.

The Gabion house is a three-bedroom, with a living room and kitchen. The walls are mostly two feet thick made from rocks and cement and will withstand future earthquakes and most hurricanes.

I’m so excited about this project… We gave tons and tons of food to the people after the earthquake. Then we went back in and gave out hundreds of tents for the people to sleep in who had lost EVERYTHING. The Lord has laid it heavy upon our hearts to build these houses for the people. I told the Lord we have needs for Love A Child. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “When we help to meet their need, God will meet our needs abundantly!” For those of you that want to help, the Lord will meet your needs abundantly too. Each Gabion house costs $9,000 for a three-bedroom, with a living room and kitchen.

PTL! We received another $9,000 check in the mail today. Whether you can give a small amount or a large amount, please pray about how you can help. Thank you in advance.

Love is something you do…
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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