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Rolling for Jesus! 

“A Praise Report!” As most of you know we have worn out both of our semi-tractors which haul our Feed My Starving Children meals and our rice/bean meals from the port. Last week, Casimi, our semi driver, was traveling to pick up the food from the port. He broke down and had to park our semi-container, on the side of the road! We are thankful Casimi was traveling to pick up the food, not bringing it back from the port!

We had several important needs that we have been asking the Lord to meet, before this year is over. One of the needs was the money for a “semi-tractor 10 wheel tandem” PTL! This week the Lord has met that need!! A kind lady e-mailed saying the Lord had placed the need upon her heart twice. Her and her husband will be sending the money!!

We will keep rolling for Jesus bringing food for the poor! All the glory belongs to GOD!

Bobby Burnette

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