This is Rosmitha… You may remember her story from one of our TV programs. She was the little girl who worked so hard carrying water long distances from the riverbed. She gathered sticks on her head to use for a fire, and she walked barefoot through the thorn trees and cut her feet on the sharp rocks. With the help of a partner, we sponsored her to go to school, but sadly the storm destroyed the small stick and rock house where she lived. We began building the family a small house several months ago, but lack the funds to finish it… we are lacking $3,000 US to complete her home. This would keep this poor family out of the wind, rain and heavy storms. If you feel led of the Lord to help with this, please contact our office at (239) 210-6107, and ask to speak to Rad or Shar. Thank you and God bless you. Sherry

Rosemitha’s House
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