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Sarah Has Found Her Passion

When Sarah and her brother Joseph were brought to us, both had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Certainly, both would have died, but God sent them to a safe place where they could heal, grow up, have an education, and find their passion in life.

Sarah has got to be the happiest young woman in Haiti. She loves anything to do with a Beauty Shop! She is excellent at “hair braiding,” which everyone seems to be doing nowadays! Usually, this type of work could take all day, but Sarah is the fastest and best in her class!!!

And “those nails!” I know you men don’t know a thing about nails, but it is such a fashion thing now! These pictures above were all done by Sarah. She is the best in her class! I have always told our kids, “Find something to do that you really love and you can make money at the same time! If you love what you are doing and you can make a living from it, it’s not really ‘work!’ You’re just doing something you love and getting paid to do it!”

We are so proud of Sarah! I have had some tough times with her, but she made it through “Mommie Sherry’s School of Hard Knocks!!!” We are so proud of her! Thank you, partners!


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