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Saving children with malnutrition: 5-6-17  7:20 PM

Saving children with malnutrition: 5-6-17 7:20 PM

There is no way to describe the pain and agony of a hungry child. Blandine is one of the children who is receiving food through one of our missionary partners at Real Hope for Haiti. Each month, we share our food that our partners sponsor, when we bring in 8-9 containers of food each month, we share “two containers” of food with 83 other missionaries and organizations. Blandine had severe kwashiorkor malnutrition. She would have died had her parents not sought help. But with good medical care and food, she is thriving…another life saved!!! When we work together, we can do great things for God, and save the lives of children! Thank you, Love A Child Partners!!! Great is your reward in Heaven!! Bobby and Sherry

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