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School Bus for Sustainability Programs

We are needing a used school bus for our sustainability programs and Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). If we had a bus, we could help people bring their products to sell, and also help bring in buyers for all the wonderful products the market has to offer. The school bus would also employ two Haitian workers to drive the bus, and it would operate all day long. People would pay a very small amount of money to ride, and this would help with the fuel, two drivers and also maintenance. They would pay less than half of what they are paying now. The bus would increase sales and productivity at the market. If you can help purchase a used school bus, or know how one can be donated, please call our office in Fort Myers, FL at (239) 210-6107, or write back on our post on Facebook. I will contact you personally. – Bobby

Note: Love A Child will ship the bus to Haiti, and we make no money from the market. This is a sustainability project helping Haitians to help themselves. “Love is something you do!”

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