We received a very unusual request from the president of the large garbage dump, called Truttier in Cité Soleil, Haiti. These 30 children live inside the garbage dump and could attend the government school at the dump for $100 per child per year. This would cover their uniforms and school entrance. We would be feeding the school children each day. This would be a one-time gift of $3,000 for all these children. We told them we would see what God could do. If God is speaking to your heart, please call our office Tuesday morning at 239-210-6107 and ask to speak to Rad. You can also send an email to [email protected] right now and let us know that you want to help the children of the garbage dump. God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

School is possible for the children of Truttier: 9-3-16 4:30 PM
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