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Seek the Lord While He May be Found

Seek the Lord While He May be Found

“Seek the Lord While He May be Found… Call Upon Him While He is Near.” Isaiah 55:6

The Haitian Christian people are very strong people. They are survivors! Their “strength” comes from the Lord. They will not miss a church service, no matter what. In the midst of shortages of food, diesel for the tap taps, failing crops, dangerous political demonstrations, and blocking roads, they still somehow make it to church.

If you ask a Haitian Christian what he thinks the future of Haiti is, they will say, “God has it under control. It is in God’s hands… We trust in the Lord.” These are strong people. Their church is their refuge from what is going on all around them. They still have faith in God, whether they have a job, or not… whether there is food for their children today, or not.

The Word of God declares, “Seek ye the Lord, while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6

Let us continue to seek the Lord, and draw nigh to Him, because we do not know what the future holds, but we know “who holds the future.” Have a blessed Sunday.

Bobby and Sherry

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