“Are you willing to be open for God’s will in your life?” Love A Child is growing and as it is growing, the load becomes heavier. We are looking for “qualified missionaries” to serve here in Haiti in the following capacities:
- Overseer of our Motor Pool
- Nurse for Mobile Clinics
- Warehouse Manager
- Accountant
- Electrician
Maybe you are a young person, out of college, or retired and you want to give your life to serve for a year (or maybe more) on the mission field. Haiti is the place for you. We offer a monthly salary, housing and the opportunity to serve the poor. Maybe it’s time you said, “Yes” to Jesus. If so, please contact our Love A Child Office at 239-210-6107. Bobby & Sherry
“The true gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment.”
― John F. MacArthur Jr.