This poor lady Jan was almost passed out with hunger as she laid on the ground by our gate. Her name is Jan, and she is a widow with four children. Her husband died during the 2010 earthquake under a block layer and not long after she lost her home, and everything went from bad to worse. She had sent two of her children to live with someone else, and she cannot feed the other two. When she was given a plate of food, she only ate half and put the rest in a yellow bucket to take to her children. We prayed with her and gave her some money and a bag of food. We told her to come back on Wednesday, and we will give her money to get started in a job again so she can make a living. If you can, open wide your hand today to the poor, God will bless you! Bobby and Sherry

Serving the poor in Haiti: 3-3-18 3:50 PM
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