We appreciate our partnership with Feed My Starving Children. They make a special food for malnourished children and donate it to Love A Child. Our partners sponsor this food to come from the States. It is transported to Miami and then shipped across the ocean to Haiti. Once in Haiti, we work to get it released from Haiti’s Custom House and then it is transported to our Food Distribution Center in Fond Parisien. We feed 8,000 children that attend our 18 schools, villages in our feeding programs and we also share this nutritious food with many organizations like Real Hope for Haiti. Look at these sweeties and the elderly lady eating a hot meal. “Anpil men, chay pa lou…” This is a Haitian Creole proverb that means, “With a lot of hands, the load is not heavy…” It takes us all working hard together to feed hungry children! God bless you, Sherry

Sharing Our Food – 08-12-16
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