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Sharing Our Food with the Hungry

Sharing Our Food with the Hungry

Each month, we share food with over 100 other missionary organizations that come here. This last time, only about half of the organizations could make it, due to all the gang violence in the streets, roadblocks, and burning tires. However, they are still coming little by little, as the roads are safe for travel.

These precious pictures are from our friends at Haitian Hope. They do wonderful work feeding hungry children. Just look at the smiles on their faces… We want to thank Feed My Starving Children for the food they send, and we thank all of our partners for sponsoring the food to come from the States all the way to Haiti. But, the end result is that little Haitian children will have a nice big plate of food to eat!!!

May God richly bless all our wonderful partners, like you, who give large, small, and the widow’s mite to make this happen. Haiti is in a hunger crisis right now… Thank you so much for listening with your heart! Bobby and Sherry

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