This past year, we experienced great success in our Sustainability Programs as they improved the lives of so many Haitians in this area. One of the best ways to “Help Haitians Help Themselves,” is through our sustainability outreaches. We saw the Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market) expand and bring more jobs to the area. Our Agricultural Training Center and the Poul Mirak Co-operatif (Miracle Chicken Co-op) programs are offering better life solutions to not only those involved in the programs but for the whole community as well. Please read Sherry’s Journal, 2017 Year in Review – Part Three to learn more about our Sustainability Programs, and how our sponsors and partners brought hope to the poor people of Haiti. Bobby

Sherry’s Journal – 2017 Year in Review – Part Three: 1-26-18 11:50 AM
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