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Sitting Among the Pigs…

Sitting Among the Pigs…

I can close my eyes and see this little guy, about the age of two… a big swollen belly with worms and malnutrition. He was sitting on the dirty ground right beside a huge pig. He had no water and had not had any food all day. Other children would walk by him and slap him on the head and say, “pa bezouin.” It means “don’t need you, or don’t want you.”

His mother would pick him up by one arm each morning and plop him down on the ground. He would have to “sit on his knees” until someone picked him up. His parents were into Voodoo. As I watched him, the Lord spoke to me and said the same thing He had told me before about other children… “If you leave him here he will die.”

I picked him up, and he clutched his arms around my neck. When I talked to his mother she said, “Take him, take him!” And we did! It was a struggle to get him to stand or walk… but one day, it happened! Now, he is in school doing well! He does flips in the air, summersaults, plays soccer and basketball, and can eat more than an adult! He is sweet, kind, hard-working, and obedient! Oh, how we love Nelson! Sherry

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