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Slippery Steps

Slippery Steps

I grew up in the hills of Pennsylvania, so “Bobby married a Yankee!” I grew up in a family of five tough little kids and we were always in the snow and on the ice. But as I grew older, I realized how dangerous the ice can be. I have broken my back twice in Haiti, so now I am very, very cautious of where I walk, even on tiny rocks, which scatter.

We had a wonderful time with our children and grandchildren during Thanksgiving. We went to the Grand Canyon. There was snow and ice on the ground, and everywhere we went with the family I was “overly cautious” of slipping on the ice. The problem is that sometimes we cannot “see” what is slippery.

That’s why we must trust completely in Lord. He always “keeps our footsteps.” The enemy is always trying to get us to slip and fall, but like David, we can say, “I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore, I shall not slide.” PS 26:1

This is something we cannot do “once in a while,” but we must do this every day of our lives. We must trust in the Lord, who keeps us from falling. He knows “where the slippery areas are,” and He knows how to keep us from falling! What a wonderful God we serve!!! Have a great day, because “He holds our hand,” and “He keeps us from falling!”


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