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Snack Shop Entrepreneurs

Snack Shop Entrepreneurs

“I Gave You A Bath, Now, You Can Put Your Clothes On!” A Creole proverb.

This is Franceau, Dieuferly, and Jean Gardy, three “brothers” who grew up together at Love A Child. Franceau is enrolled in a Bible College (he is a businessman, but he also makes sure the boys “stay on their knees!” Ha!)

If the boys need something done (electric work, a hole dug, etc., Franceau finds the guy to do the job!) Dieuferly finished high school and has a gift of photography. He is always with us when we travel to different villages. He is one of the “businessmen” of the three. Jean Gardy is the “banker.” He has always collected all the kid’s school money (money to transportation and feed each day, and he divvies it up to the kids as they need it.) Everyone trusts him with their money! We call him “Banker!” We have always tried to teach the children, that in life, you must learn to stand on your own two feet! Haitians are naturally good at business and selling things.

A few years ago Franceau began buying and selling cold drinks. We had a large “Mobile Kitchen” that someone donated during the earthquake, but it was on its “last leg.” The same person who donated that one, bought us a new one! So, the “boys” asked for the old one. They began to build their own little “snack shop” not far from the Birthing Center. Soon, they had cleared an actual road from the Birthing Center to their little “snack shop!” They got wood, a small inverter, some chairs, and went to work.

They sell cold drinks and snacks, but will soon be selling other things. The funny thing is that they have gotten their “brothers and sisters” from the Love A Child Children’s Home to invest!! You can invest in cold drinks, or pates to eat, or snack stuff, etc. When those items sell that you invested in, you get back your money plus a small amount more!

They are really doing well and we are proud of them! There is a Creole proverb that says, “I gave you a bath; now, you must put your clothes on” (I helped you but I can’t do everything for you!)

Maybe we should teach our kids from the United States, the same thing!! Ha! We are proud of these young men! We have had them since they were age three and up! Sherry

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