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Soup Joumou for the Orphanage… So Yummy!

Soup Joumou… This is that special soup that we told you about today. All Haitians must have this soup to start the new year off!! It represents “Haiti’s Independence!” No matter if a Haitian does not have anything at Christmas, they “have to have,” this pumpkin soup for New Year’s Day!

We made sure our orphanage had everything to make pumpkin soup and we wanted pictures, but by the time our camera guy arrived, they had already eaten! Yum! This picture was taken by Widlene, one of our older girls who is in college! Our older college kids made this with Widlene and it looks yummy! Our kids “love to cook,” because they “love to eat,” especially when it’s “Pumpkin  Soup!” Have a blessed new year!

Bobby and Sherry

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