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Special Lab being Set-up to Study Diseases

Special Lab being Set-up to Study Diseases

“The Ox is in the Ditch!”

The people from the University of Florida are working on Sunday, because the “ox is in the ditch!”

They are in a time crunch to get their lab up and running. They are re-building our old Malnutrition Clinic and turning it into a “special lab” to study diseases and sicknesses which attack the Haitian population and many others, especially such sicknesses such as tuberculosis, HIV, etc. Today, they are digging ditches, running cables, wires, and getting their solar energy system hooked up! What a job!

Here, you can see Michael Stapleton, Electrical Engineering Instructor, and Barry Johnson, President of Solar Impact. We have Sean Johnson and Rigan Louis… Keith Rambo on the forklift, also from the University of Florida, and their counterpart who got this great idea started, Edsel Redden. You can see where they will be setting up the heavy batteries for the solar system and all the ditches for cables! Wow! What a lot of work!

Special thanks to Mark Ostrander, who has worked so hard on the project, to George, one of our “grown-up kids,” and all the boys from our Love A Child Children’s Home, who worked so hard to help! This will be a great blessing to our Love A Child Clinic because the University of Florida will allow our Haitian doctors to do telemedicine video conferencing with our Haitian doctors when they have a problem! It’s like “having the brains to a University” right here on our Love A Child property to help the Haitian poor! Everything that God does is “first-class,” and we are so thankful for the University of Florida to come to Love A Child to set-up their lab!

Bobby and Sherry

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