Little Mackenson.
As you can see from our post last evening, yesterday was “Bike Day” here at Love A Child. All the children were so happy! They love their bikes! In the picture, you can see Mackenson, one of our orphan children showing Gina how to ride a bike. He cannot ride any of the bikes himself due to a stroke he had in the fourth grade. He has a very rough time with his entire right leg.
We can purchase him a three-wheeler e-bike (with a small battery) that he can ride and get around to church and school, plus ride with the kids. The cost is $700.00 in America. Sherry and I are praying the Lord will meet the need, so that he can have a three-wheel e-bike. If you can help purchase the special bike please call the Love A Child office in Florida tomorrow and someone will be happy to help: (239-210-6107). Be looking for a picture of Mackenson on his three-wheel bike, which we will send to you personally.
Note: Mackenson had a stroke in the fourth grade. Here in our orphan’s home, when we have a Bible drill, he is always the first to answer the questions! He is very sweet and kind, and helps the best he can to everyone. Love is something you do!
Bobby and Sherry Burnette