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Special Thanks to our Friends at “MAP International!”

We have “no words” to say “thank you” to our friends at MAP International! This wonderful organization works hard to send medicines and medical supplies to missionaries and other organizations that work with the poor. We have known our friends at “MAP International” for many years, and each year, the Lord blesses them more and more! Why? Because they are a “giving organization!”

They “just sent us” a forty-foot container of medicines, which we are sharing with other missionary organizations. We work together here in Haiti, and they have been helping us for years!

The pictures you see here are just some of the blessings that “MAP” has made possible. We are sharing this medicine with other missionary organizations.

Since the gangs have taken over Haiti, it has been “very difficult” to buy medicines from “downtown Port-au-Prince!” Our trucks have had to “sneak through” gang activities, and they were so afraid each time they left in our trucks! We thank the Lord that this container of medicines “came through the border of the Dominican Republic,” free of gangs! We had been working on this project of having our containers come through the D.R. We are so blessed, thanks to MAP International!

We will be using this wonderful medicine for our upcoming Mobile Clinics. (Each time we prepared medicines for our Mobile Clinic, we had to give them to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic and our Birthing Center.)

MAP is a wonderful Christian-based organization that helps missionaries “around the world!” They are a trustworthy, “platinum” organization. We would invite anyone to check them out and give whatever the Lord lays on their heart!

Now, mothers can bring their children and babies and family members to Jesus Healing Center, our Malnutrition Center, and we will always have a good supply of free medicines! God is good!

Thank you again, MAP! May God continue to bless you as you “Enlarge the place of thy tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left…” Isaiah 54:2,3

God bless you; we love you.

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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