Believe it or not, he was once a young, skinny, shy kid! We had received a phone call from a Love A Child (LAC) partner, who said she had a young relative, a boy, who was in an orphanage in Cape Haitian, and he was being mistreated, and she begged us to take him in. We agreed!
When we get a new child at our orphanage, it’s “kinda like” getting a Christmas gift! The kids get excited and want to know all about the new “present!”
Stanley was very shy, and the Creole he spoke was a “little different,” being from the north Haiti area.
The kids asked his name, Stanley, but they liked “Ki-Nam Ou?” better (which means “What is your name?”). They all decided they liked “Kinam” better than “Stanley!” Ha!
Stanley was always a kind, gentle “giant.” He is in college in his 3rd year to become a “Civil Engineer.”
He has one more year to go! He is quiet, shy, and loves soccer and Jesus!
We couldn’t ask for anything better!