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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

In the midst of the excitement of dedicating a new Gabion house here in South Haiti, we noticed a man braiding a new rope for his donkey. The cord was strong. It looked like something we would buy in the states. Though the process is tedious, the weave is tight and it is obvious this rope is going to do the trick when it is finished.

It is made from the separated fibers of a palm tree. The crazy thing is, each strand is actually pretty weak. With little effort, you can break one. But twisted and braided together, it will withstand even the strongest pull of a huge horse or donkey!

The Bible says we are like these fibers. When we partner together, we become an impressively strong “rope”. We can accomplish a great deal of work and are not easily broken! Love A Child needs you! We are powerful when we all are “braided” together.

If you are a partner intertwined with us, we thank you! Stay tight! If you have not yet joined us, we need you! Together we are stronger.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

-Jesse and Kim Ostrander

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