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Titles for the Bobby and Sherry’s new book: 2-5-2015 8:00 AM

Important: We need your help! Bobby and I are finishing our book, and we have always called it “The Rat Shack.” However, our publishing company (great people) wants us to change it to either: “When the Mountains Move,” or “With Many Hands the Load is Not Heavy.” Bobby and I want you to “vote” for the title you like best. If you were going to buy a book, which title would catch your eye? We have a couple of subtitle ideas for The Rat Shack.”

Here are the choices again:

“The Rat Shack – Love is Something You Do
“The Rat Shack – Stories of Faith from the Mission Field

“When the Mountains Move”
“With Many Hands the Load is Not Heavy”

PLEASE VOTE!!! Blessings, Bobby and Sherry

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