We just finished a great Mobile Medical Clinic in an extremely tough village called Despeezo! This is a village that has a well-known witchdoctor, (houngan) and a huge Voodoo tree. In just three days, our Volunteer Medical Team treated 1,165 people, gave out 5,605 medications, fitted 179 people for glasses, cared and bathed 111 (mostly children) in wound care, prayed for everyone and as a result, had 38 conversions! Our thanks to our wonderful Volunteer Medical Team and to our partners who sponsored this Mobile Medical Clinic! Also, special thanks to John Beasley and Louis from the Dominican Republic and to Mark and Evie Ostrander. Blessings, Sherry

Successful Mobile Medical Clinic in Despeezo: 7-9-2015 8:00 AM
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