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“Surely, I Come Quickly…” Lord Jesus – Rev. 22:20

“Surely, I Come Quickly…” Lord Jesus – Rev. 22:20

We are living in a generation of evil. Most children have no respect for their parents, for those in authority, or for their teachers. I don’t know about you, but when I was in elementary school, we had a principal… a big and huge white lady, with her hair in a bun, and she always carried “a paddle with holes in it!” She never had to use it on me because each time I saw her coming, I was terrified… I could have died. I once had the hiccups and my teacher told me, “Go to Mrs. Zigler’s office and knock on the door and tell her you have hiccups and you need to get some water.”

I was shaking all the way to the door, while violently hiccupping. But when I knocked on her door, she had the paddle in her hand and she said, “Go ahead and let me hear you hiccup!” I stood there in horror and not a sound came out of me. She sent me back to my room, but I was glad to be alive!!! I think that day, I understood the “fear of God!”

We are now in the “me” generation where “anything goes.” There is little or no respect for parents, the elderly, or the law of the land. The “bad news” is, that before the Lord returns, it will get worse! This is prophecy… But the good news is, “that we are on the winning side with Jesus!”

II Timothy 3 describes what the coming generations will be like… many of these are in the college now… with no respect for parents, the law, or anyone who doesn’t believe “exactly like they do!” But, we must remember one thing… No matter what religion anyone is, or is not, “every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus is Lord!” Every past president we have ever had and any future presidents… all kings, and all the poor… every nation and every tongue, and even if you don’t believe in God, the Bible will come to pass and Jesus will come for His children!

So, do not fret or worry about evildoers… We will all stand before the Lord one day! I will be so glad to see “Him” face to face, and any tiny, small sacrifice I have ever made, would be worth it just to see His face and bow before our King!


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