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Sweet Zachary

Sweet Zachary

Zachary… Just look at this little innocent baby, sleeping like an angel! That is “baby Zachary!” He is the one whose mother was deeply involved in Voodoo, “had five children die,” with “one little girl missing,” and this is the baby whose mother was going to kill him with a butcher knife! We brought to him to our Love A Child Children’s Home.

Zachary has had a lot of respiratory problems, but doing well now. You can see the first picture of this little innocent baby sound asleep. Well, when we had to send him to the hospital, they couldn’t find a vein so they shaved his head on both sides and inserted the needed there. When we got him home, I hardly recognized him. He looks like a little “Sumo Wrestler!”

The other picture was taken when he had his “air-conditioned t-shirt” on! The mothers at the orphanage always cut holes in their onesies when it is hot. I told them to just let him sleep in a diaper, but “oh no!” They wouldn’t have it! (This is a Haitian thing! Ha). Zachary is doing very well… He is gaining weight (again) and I think I will have to put him on a diet!! Everyone loves this baby!! God has His hand upon this little life!!!

God bless you, Sherry

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