Sherry, Julie, Kaeli, Philemon and the team left this morning to travel to Pastor Claude’s Orphanage. Thank you David George and your friends for supplying the money for the orphanage and their church. Then they will travel to the mental hospital to take love gifts to the patients. From there they will travel into the interior to Sister Adeline’s little place where she has 25 very poor little orphans. She is so poor herself. Good news! A person on our team will give the first $25,000 to start to build the orphans home! PTL! By faith, the rest will come! David George, by faith, will raise the money to build them a church. Remember the little girl who prayed every morning before daylight that the Lord would supply a church. Her prayers have been answered! The Lord is good! I stayed behind to take care of many things here today. Bobby

Our team is traveling to Pastor Claude’s Orphanage: 10-21-16 1:30 PM
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