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Tents for the Police

In the middle of the night, the police department came for tents!

Yesterday, just before 3 o’clock in the morning, the police from Petit Riviere de Nippes came knocking on Hubert’s door. Hubert is our Love A Child Representative in South Haiti, where the earthquake happened. They came to Hubert, needing tents. Since last Monday’s earthquake, there have been so many “tremors,” that they were afraid to sleep inside the police station. They had been sleeping on the ground outside the police station.

Hubert went to the police station with them. He and the police worked hard, putting up tents outside the police station. They were so thankful!!! You can see the picture, with Hubert, in the blue shirt, and the Police Chief with him. The police sent us a special video, thanking Love A Child. Note, that when the 2010 earthquake hit Haiti, our Love A Child children would not sleep inside the orphanage building for a long time (six months), due to the tremors. They slept in tents, in our yard, until finally, all the tents collapsed and they finally moved back in.

Remember we just sent Hubert to south Haiti on Friday with some more emergency tents (244) among other supplies for the earthquake victims. Today, and all this week Hubert and the crew will be giving out food, more tents, and earthquake supplies, sharing the love of God. We are building our Gabion earthquake houses right there in the epicenter of the earthquake. Not one Gabion house was damaged or fell!!

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for your help financially. Without you, all of this would not be happening. We are working together for the Lord!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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