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THANK YOU… Food For South Haiti!  

Haiti is facing a “humanitarian catastrophe.” The severity and the extent of food insecurity here in Haiti is growing worse by the day. Gangsters have been blocking the major fuel terminal for two months now and are causing catastrophe and hunger.

The route has been blocked for several months now heading to South Haiti. No food, fuel, or supplies can get through. We are thankful with the help of our friends we have been able to buy oil, beans, and rice to come to South Haiti by barge.

Thank you, Hubert and friends, for picking up the oil this week and started picking up the hundreds of bags of rice yesterday. This week they will be picking up our beans and distributing them to the families of South Haiti and some prisons. These pictures were taken yesterday of our rice bags. We love you Hubert, you work day and night, helping to save your people.

Thank you for your prayers and the much-needed financial support. Matthew 25:40

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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