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Thank You World Vision!

Thank You World Vision!

What a tremendous blessing we received from our friends at World Vision! We are so thankful for the “pallets of rolls of material” that we were recently given. We shared many of these rolls of materials with other missionaries, and some went to Pastor Claude, who was “beside himself” with joy!!! He can really use this material at his big orphanage!

The young man in the sweatshirt is our own Jean Edwouard. He has been with us since the age of six. He was a restavek slave child. He is finishing up his last year at school and then will go into the “sewing business” full time. Right now, he and his partner still do a lot of sewing! This material will create “jobs” for the people of Haiti and their families! We want to thank World Vision for all the medicines, materials, shade cloths, and everything else they have sent! Special thanks to all of our partners, who love the poor.

Bobby and Sherry

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