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The Big Birthday Bash

The Big Birthday Bash

When you have this many kids and this many birthdays, you have a lot of laughter, a lot of fun, and a lot of competition. This month, we celebrated the birthdays of Ti Samuel, Jonas, Joshua, Esther, Bianca, Raphael, Anna, Rebecca, Colin, and Job!

Haitian children love to sing, dance, and play competitive games. Tonight, it was the “egg in the spoon walk,” and then “the sitting on the balloon to break it” competition! Wow! These kids got really serious over these games, and it’s usually “girls against the boys!” After they wound down a little, they had more music, cake, and ice cream!! And of course, lots of laughter and noise!

Many of the older children came in from college today, because they will have several days of vacation. It was good to see everyone laughing, smiling, and having a good time, even with the stresses of Haiti! The Bible says, “A merry heart does good, like a medicine!” God bless our wonderful friends and partners, for without you, most of these children would not be alive! You have blessed so many! God bless you back 100-fold.

Bobby and Sherry

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