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The Children from the Village of Nippes

Attention: For those of you who have been praying for the release of our Food Container, keep on praying. We should hear about this today. We should have more information by noon or after regarding the container and food. Thankfully, our semi-driver, Casimi, was released safely! Check back around noon for an update.

“The Children of Nippes”

We just wanted you to see how the children in the village of Nippes, Southern Haiti, are trying to survive. This was one of the areas badly hit by the hurricane that hit last August 2021. We are still sending food to this area, and we are still building the Gabion Houses…

Little Lionel, age 8, and his sister, Merline, must look for sticks for a fire while their mother gets ready for their hot meal! This “hot meal” is a miracle because we just finished sending beans, rice, and cooking oil to South Haiti. Normally, there would never be a “hot meal” today or any other day. But, with your help, we purchased $24,000 worth of food at the Port of Miragoane. (Due to the gangs in Haiti, we could not “take” our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food there as we could have. But the gangs have taken over many places, so the safest thing to do was to buy the food locally.)

Lionel and Merline’s mother makes charcoal to sell, but that brings in very little money. We gave their mother a new tarp to cook under. She is so happy, and she and her children “now have hope!”

Thank you,
Bobby and Sherry

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