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The Church in Sapaterre… A Miracle in the Middle of “No-Where”

The Church in Sapaterre… A Miracle in the Middle of “No-Where”

Years ago, we discovered the village of “Sapaterre,” Haiti. (Sa-pa-terre means “That’s not dirt!”) We had sent in Peter and Joseph, who had helped us in our Mobile Clinics, in the prayer area. Peter and Joseph had discovered this village of Sapaterre, one of the villages responsible for making those “mud cookies” in Haiti.

The people don’t let anyone come in and look around or take pictures, but God gave these young men grace. When we came and saw the children and adults sitting in the mud and making “mud cookies” for the hungry children to eat, it made us cry. The mud comes from a deep cave. The ladies and children sit and stir the mud and make these “mud cookies.” When the children eat these mud cookies and drink water the mud expands in their stomachs, making them feel “full.”

We began feeding the families here regularly with Feed My Starving Children food. Then, we had “Mobile Clinics…” Then, we had an outdoor crusade! People got saved, (even a witch doctor), and then we needed to buy land to build a church! Our evangelist, Joseph, was ordained a Pastor, and he was over the new “flock.”

This Church in Sapaterre was sponsored by the Click Foundation, and they also received musical instruments and a PA System to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” We soon found out that we needed a wall to go around the church due to the gangs in the area, again, we thank the Click Foundation for this miracle!

The main thing we want to say is this… “It all started with a box of food!” When we do “one small thing” in the name of Jesus, great things happen! Maybe that one box of food started with a little widow woman who only had enough to sponsor “one box of food,” but see what God can do with a little when given in His name!

Thank you, all of our wonderful partners, and team members who joined hands with us to make this happen! We love you all.

Bobby and Sherry

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