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The Difficulties of Distributing Food in Haiti

The Difficulties of Distributing Food in Haiti

Yesterday, we sent a team far into the mountains to a location where we were going to distribute food. We had sent money for food ahead of time to pay the local people to fix the roads, but not much was done. Actually, it was much worse than we thought!!! No “four-wheel-drive” could make it any further! We will wait until they can fix the roads, or until all the rain stops, and then, try again for that particular village.

Meanwhile, there is another area with a critical need for food, an undisclosed location. We cannot let anyone know ahead of time where we will be, due to the gangs, who are very evil in Haiti. We again, sent our workers out this morning, although one area could not be crossed due to the big rocks, they found another location, where the village people could “walk down to us.” We will leave at about 7:00 a.m. to distribute the “Feed My Starving Children food,” which the Haitian people love!

After this, we go to another area, not far from this one, where we will be cooking food for the children. Hunger is always a problem in Haiti and the little children suffer the most. They just try to make it through “this day of hunger,” and try to sleep at night, hoping tomorrow will be better… but, it seldom is. It is only “good” when God touches the heart of someone like you, to help them. The Haitians say, “espwa fè nou viv…” hope makes us live. Thank you and God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

P.S. Another report will be coming tomorrow. Please pray for our safety going out there.

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