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The Kids Call Her “Rooster”

The Kids Call Her “Rooster”

Fabiola is now 13 years old. She is such a beautiful young girl. She loves to cook, do laundry, clean her room, and read. Her favorite thing is her toy Barbie. I know that young girls in the States would never jump rope, play with puzzles, or have a Barbie, but kids in Haiti are different. They are like how “kids used to be.”

Fabiola’s brother is Wiggins (Jacque). When their mother died, their stepfather could not or would not take care of them. Many times, he left the children unattended when he went to look for work. Fabiola and her brother became malnourished. He thought it was best to give the children to Social Services. Fabiola is a beautiful girl who loves to help with the children. The kids call her “Rooster” (Kok in Creole), because sometimes her hair is difficult to manage!

She is one of the best students in her class and she currently wants to be a pediatrician. Everyone loves Fabiola!


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