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The Right Place, the Right Time

The Right Place, the Right Time

Bobby and I wanted to share an amazing story, of how God can lead us to make a decision, even though “it doesn’t make sense.”

I’ve always wanted Bobby and me to go to Africa for our Anniversary and see “God’s creation.” We had saved our money for a long time for two African safaris and planned and planned. Prepaid the whole trip including Qatar Airlines. On our Anniversary we had paid for a “hot air balloon ride,” looking down upon the great migration of all the animals. We were to leave on Saturday, August the 14th, so we would be there on our Anniversary on August 18th. We left Haiti, went back to the states, took care of some doctor appointments, and got all our paperwork done for Africa. We learned that we had to buy special safari clothing, which were certain colors! We went shopping! Bobby and I had so much fun getting those African clothes… three shirts and three pairs of pants, for each of us. We had to pack everything for the whole trip, in a small carry-on (which for me and my make-up was quite a challenge!).

We got our Visa, filled out lots of paperwork, etc. We did everything and waited for Saturday the 14th to come. But, even though we were packed, ready to go, with our carryons, we kept feeling a strange feeling in our hearts. It was almost like a heaviness as if we were “going in the wrong direction!”

I actually got depressed. I did not want to tell Bobby that after all his work for months, planning, buying clothes, etc., that I did not feel led to go. We sat down two days before we were supposed to leave, we both said, “I feel that we are not supposed to go to Africa at this time.” At that moment, peace came over us! We both agreed it “was not the Lord’s will for us… maybe in the future, but not now.” We both said, “Let’s leave our African stuff here and go back to Haiti. There must be a reason for this, and if not, let’s just obey the Lord.” (We postponed our Africa trip till next year) PTL! We did not lose any money.

We actually flew into Haiti on Saturday the 14th, (the day we were supposed to leave for Africa) only to learn about the earthquake hitting at 8:29 AM that morning in South Haiti, a 7.2 magnitude, lives lost, the great devastation, and the despair of the poor. We must always listen to the “still small voice, not what makes sense in the natural,” but the leading of the Holy Spirit as Pastor Jentezen Franklin wrote a book entitled: “The Right Place, the Right Time.” We are here in Haiti at our orphanage, making our plans and strategy for helping the earthquake victims. We have never been so happy. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” We love, what we do!

Bobby and Sherry

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