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The Silence of Haiti…

The Silence of Haiti…

The Silence of Haiti…

People have been asking me, what are the real conditions in Haiti? I really don’t like talking about it, but I will share some with you.

Haiti is in a political, constitutional, economic, medical, and food crisis! Haiti has been on a Level Four, “do not travel warning” (most dangerous warning), since March 5, 2020. Due to violent crime, such as armed robbery and carjackings, and a spectacular rise in kidnappings. Victims have included U.S. citizens. Shootings, murders, riots, roadblocks, burning of buildings, and an abundance of criminal activity.

Protest demonstrations…. some peaceful, some are not. Many opposition groups are demanding President Jovenel Moïse leave or resign. They are trying to destroy the President of Haiti but actually, what they are doing destroys their own country. It’s truly heartbreaking.

In Port au Prince and other areas, private cars, trucks carrying the poor, and other vehicles have holes where AK-47s and other guns have shot them. These people were armed with guns by those who purchased them. Yesterday, we saw one truck which a company had bullet-proofed 6 months ago. On Monday, it was hit 45 times with big guns while driving in Port au Prince!! The first three were on the driver’s side. The bulletproofing worked! He brought it back in to have it moved up to a Level 5 bulletproofing. This is how dangerous Haiti is now!

Our area here in Fond Parisien is safe. The problem we have is with the Papaya Gang, who is about 8 miles down the road from us. This is the only road between the airport and us. (The Papaya Gang practices Voodoo, they are on drugs, drink blood and eat human hearts in their ceremonies.) It’s the only road in and out. You never know when they will attack you. They have killed people and shot up a big bus three weeks ago, traveling to the Dominican Republic. Many of the people came to our clinic. Before that, they shot into a poor Haitian tap-tap while trying to rob the poor people and ended up killing a baby and a woman. They, among others, were brought to our clinic for their medical emergencies.

Every time we travel down the road, it’s like playing “Russian roulette.” You never know when they will jump out with their AK-47 guns. If you don’t stop, you have a good chance of being killed. They have been doing this for two years!

Sherry and I really worry about our Love A Child workers who have to go through there. Some have been robbed, our clinic van was stolen, and they took our people with it. (PTL! We got the people back but not the van.)

In this area, I would say truthfully, probably over 200 vehicles have been stopped and stolen on this road. Please pray for all of our safety. Actually, Sherry and I are “on edge every day,” not knowing what will happen today.

This affects the “poorest of the poor” in many ways you might not understand. The majority of the poor make their living in “selling” (commerce) on the streets. They don’t make enough to live on, just to survive. One poor mother may sell five tomatoes and use that money to buy five pieces of bread or anything. They are just “surviving.” They used to take their products to the market, but now, they cannot go to the market because of the gangs. They will be robbed or killed. When our LAC children go to their universities, they always fear being shot or killed or kidnapped!

You may ask, “Why are we still here?” It’s hard to explain “a calling.” It stays upon you day and night never leaves. We “know” that God calls us to Haiti to help the poor in any way we can. Now, we ask you to pray for us as never before, for protection and wisdom. We have “put our hands to the plough,” as many other missionaries have done. Please remember us and all the other missionaries here in Haiti, and above all, remember the poor.


Missionaries Bobby Burnette and Sherry Burnette



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