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The Story of Madamn Juvenile Eliezer

The Story of Madamn Juvenile Eliezer

A “Ginger Tea” Almost Kills a Mother and Baby…

Each day, many mothers take the risk of coming to our Love A Child Birthing Center despite the gangs, the oppression, the lack of money… and despite their “fear.” Many come by motorbike, many take public transportation (tap-taps), and others get here “any way they can!” They come, despite the gangs in the streets and the gunfire and the burning blockades.

At our Birthing Center, they receive the best of care. They receive free medicines, pre-natal vitamins (from MAP International), and all their tests are free, along with the delivery, etc. We met Madamn Juvenile Eliezer, one of the mothers who gave birth at our Birthing Center. She has no job, and when she got pregnant, the man deserted and abandoned her. She had to move in with her mother. Sometimes, her mother has no food, even though she is hungry. The sad thing is, she is not a Christian, and when she said this, tears welled up in her eyes as she said, “No family members visited me after I gave birth.”

She suffered a lot with her delivery because as many mountain women do, she drank “ginger tea” to make the birth come quickly! This is very dangerous!!! This put her through a critical state, while giving birth, and added much stress to everyone involved. However, she had a little baby girl weighing 2.5 kilos, in good health, and received lots of blankets and beautiful clothing, thanks to one of our partners.

She said, “Even though I am going through a lot of misery, I am happy to give birth in such a beautiful place that costs me nothing.” She wishes to thank all the partners who helped build the Birthing Center and everyone involved. It helps so many mothers and babies!

We are thankful to our partners, and we believe that a “seed” for Christ has been planted in her heart and that the “Holy Spirit” will draw her to Jesus! We love you all and we thank all of our partners!!! God bless you.


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