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The Story of Nelson Peterson…”Clinging to Life”

The Story of Nelson Peterson…”Clinging to Life”

Little Nelson Peterson arrived at our Jesus Healing Center today in the arms of his grandmother, Madamn Levoina Derisien. He was “clinging to life.” He comes from a remote mountain area called “Gwo Cheval” (meaning Big Horse). This little village is located in the commune of Fonds Verrettes. Many of the people of this village, young and old, are dying of hunger, especially the children. Moreover, there is no Clinic or Hospital where people can go to receive health care.

Peterson was abandoned by his mother at 4 months old. His father, Mr. Vilson Nelson, did not want the care for him, so he took him to his grandmother. The grandmother, Mrs. Levoina Derisien, is a farmer. She works very hard each day in the hot sun, waiting for the rain, which is very rare up here. She has trouble finding water to quench her thirst and for Peterson because the water source she used to draw from has dried up.

She lives in extreme poverty. Her staple food is corn meal, the same she feeds Peterson. Sometimes she has bread, which she also used to make “bread soup” (water and bread) to feed herself and her grandson. So, Peterson is malnourished… no milk or meat; no eggs or protein of any kind. He has had diarrhea for 8 days; he is weak… his stomach is swollen, and his hair is turning red: obvious signs of “severe acute Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.”

His grandmother accompanied him to the Jesus Healing Center Clinic. He was crying a lot because he was hungry. It’s been “four days since he last ate,” according to his grandmother.

Peterson only weighs only 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.). After our doctor’s evaluation, he was transferred to our Malnutrition Center in order to obtain the appropriate care he needs. Our Malnutrition Center works in collaboration with the Jesus Healing Center Clinic.

Mrs. Levoina Derisien was relieved to see that there is hope for her grandson.

In a future column, we will inform you of its evolution in the center. Thank you, all your partners, for your support, and may God bless you more and more every day!


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