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The Story of Two Little Girls – Jodine and Mikensi

The Story of Two Little Girls – Jodine and Mikensi

Little Jodine and Mikensi are like many poor children in Haiti. They do not go to school. They live in a stick house made of mud. Madamn Nery, a young woman, worked hard with her husband to make a living, but he died. She was then living in the street with her children after the death of her husband. Madamn Nery had a high fever, but thanks to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic, she was cared for. She finally moved to a shack in the village of Boulay, but the landlord kicked her and her children out because she could not pay the rent for that shack.

The majority of Haiti’s poor children are just like these two little girls. They have never had “three meals a day,” and never had “one good meal” a day. Their mother will either be “crushing rocks in the river bed or gathering sticks to sell or going to look for “wild tea leaves” to sell.

Now that summer is coming, the heat will be unbearable. Clean water is hard to find. Jodine and Mikensi will not be going to school. They will work from sun-up to sun-down, but they won’t complain. There will be “many days of hunger ahead” for these little sweet little girls. I always say, “If Haiti was a safe country with no gangs, wouldn’t it be great to bring our Junior High and High School children to Haiti to see what “poor” really is?” Take away their iPhones and their game machines for a week and let them live and eat as these children do. It would change their lives.

You can look into the eyes of these little girls, who have never had ribbons in their hair, shoes, and socks on their feet, a doll to play with, let alone a full meal.

That is why God wants your attention on the poor… Because He uses people like you. This is why we take food to poor villages. It brings them “hope!”

God bless you, and thank you for always having a heart for the poor.


P.S. We had given Pastor Souffrance a few tents we had left from the earthquake and he took one to Madamn Nery along with a box of food. She was “very thankful!”

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