You can’t find it, unless you know where it is. The village of Madamn Bauje is barren and has lots of thorn bushes. It is hidden from sight from the main road. The majority of people here try to sell “something,” to make a living. We have drilled for water several times but only found saltwater. It is a very poor village. They had a poor, “junk” school with children sitting on the floor and writing on pieces of cardboard when we first visited them.
One of our partners, David George, and his friends, sponsored building a beautiful Love A Child school and it is there, now… but, life is very tough. We just had a Food Distribution here and the mothers are so thankful for this food each month, which sustains them. Jesus said, “I was hungry and ye fed me.” Thank you so much, partners, for allowing us to feed this village every month, because of your love! God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
P.S. This is the village where we found one of our Love A Child children… little Mika! It was a “good find!”