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The Wise Servant… How to Double Your Money

The Wise Servant… How to Double Your Money

This morning, we were reading Matthew 25, where Jesus told the story about the man who was traveling to a far country and called his servants to invest his money.

You know the story. To one, he gave one talent, to another five, and to another ten.

The one who had “one talent” did not invest it, but the one who had five and the one who had ten invested the money and doubled it.

We have a partner who wants to give Love A Child a $95,000 “Matching Gift Challenge” for “where most needed,” if we can match it. This is called a “Matching Gift Challenge.” We have already raised half the money, but we are lacking the other half.

You can be a “wise steward” and have your gift to the poor of Haiti “doubled,” as it did in Matthew 25. We have until the cut-off date of September 18th. Your gift will only double if you flag it as a “Matching Challenge Gift.”

So please, whatever gift you want to give, whether it be for monthly giving or “any need,” it will double towards the Matching Gift Challenge, and you will be like the “wise steward” in Matthew 25!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. Here are the full details on how to donate …

If you can give to the Matching Gift Challenge, call our office at 239-210-6107 and let them know you want to give.

(You must say, “This is for the Matching Gift Challenge!”)

Please mail letters and contributions to:
Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

At the bottom of your check, please put “Matching Gift Challenge,” so your gift doubles.

Online: — select “MAKE A DONATION” — “Matching Gift Challenge”

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