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“There are More for You, Than Against You!”

In II Chronicles Chapter 32, we read about a Godly king named Hezekiah. He had brought all his people back to serving the Lord! Everyone was happy and things could not have been better…  “until” the king of Assyria, Sennacherib, decided to come out to battle against him and the people of God. This evil king was feared by all… and it “looked like God’s people were the minority,” but Hezekiah was not threatened! He told his people, “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him; For there be more with us than with him!” – II Chronicles 32:8

Today, you may be facing a court battle, a doctor’s opinion, someone on your job lying about you, or some other evil attack from hell! But, do not be deceived! There are more “for you” than “against you!” Do not fear! Do not worry! This is God’s Word for you today! Praise God!!!


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