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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Through it All” My “Thank you” to God

I love the song by Andrae Crouch, “Through it All.” If you have never heard it, you need to find it and listen to it… What a message! As I listened to it, I realized I had never thanked God for “all He brought us through.” We always thank God for the good things, for the material blessings, but what about the trials?

So, “Lord, I want to thank You for getting married on “only $40.” It taught us to walk by faith and not by sight!

I want to thank you, Lord, for preaching on the street corners… with offerings of $3.00 a night! I want to thank you, Lord God, for all the trials, all times we were broke, all the times our car broke down in the middle of nowhere…” because He showed us His strength, and He always fixed the problem! I want to thank God for sparing Bobby’s life because we heard the words, “You will only have maybe six months to live.” It was the “trial of our faith!” I want to thank God for the earthquake in 2010 because it allowed us to hold those broken bodies in our arms and see that God could re-build lives! I want to thank God for every time we were “down to zero,” because God even multiplied the zero! I want to thank God for all the times we “thought we were by ourselves,” because He has shown us that we were never alone.

I just realized this morning that I had forgotten to thank God for all our “mountains,” all our “valleys,” and all the rivers we have had to cross because God is still God! I thank Him today and praise Him because I can look back and see a never-ending list of all the things this “big God!” brought us through.

I’m sorry, Lord, for forgetting to thank You for what You brought us through!

We love you,

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