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“Throw That Stuff Overboard!”

“Throw That Stuff Overboard!”

It’s amazing how much “stuff” we carry around with us all our lives. We can carry around “unforgiveness,” “self pity,” “fear,” and I could go on and on. As long as we have these “heavy weights,” we cannot ride the storms that will come into our lives.

Apostle Paul, as a prisoner and along with many other men, were aboard a ship and ran straight into a huge storm called a “Euroclydon.” The storms were so great, dark and dangerous, that they had to “lighten the ship.” Acts 27:18

“And the third day, we cast out with our own hands, the tackle of the ship!” Vs 19

But after two weeks of sailing in the storm, which was as black as night, an Angel of God appeared unto Saul, telling him that “the lives of the men on the boat would be saved…”

Sometimes we carry around “huge loads of unforgiveness,” “resentment,” and “shame.” All these things must go “overboard!” If you continue to carry them with you, they will “drown” you! So, today, “throw that stuff overboard,” and lay it at the feet of Jesus, and just see how much lighter your load will be!!! Have a great, great day!!!


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