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Ti David…Not Afraid to Get His Hands Dirty!

Ti David…Not Afraid to Get His Hands Dirty!

His real name is David Desir, but everyone calls him “Ti David.” He was the seventh child of his poor parents, and they had no food. They could not even feed the children they had. A kind neighbor took him for a while, but when the economy got worse, she could no longer afford to feed him and “her own children.” That is when she asked the Department of Social Services to find a place for him. They called us, and we took him in.

Ti David is a little mischievous, but he is so sweet! He is a hard-working little boy. He does fine in school but would rather be working with the “construction workers!” He is not afraid to “get his hands dirty!” Ti David is very strong for a little boy! He can pick up, carry and do things the other boys can’t do. He is very respectful, intelligent and learns quickly…I would say, “He is a future mechanic!!”

We love Ti David!!



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